Never Strike at the Heart

My dear friends,

The eleventh precept under the sixth point in Geshe Chekawa's Mind Training in Seven Points is:

Never strike at the heart.

As Gelek Rimpoche has said(1),

The heart is like a sword – it can cut a heart in two.

Indeed, harsh and hurtful speech is one of the four unskillful actions (akusala-kamma) of speech. Let us examine the causes of this unskillful action; its effects on our spiritual development on the Bodhisattva path; and its antidotes.

Causes of Harsh and Hurtful Speech

Hindrances to Progress on the Bodhisattva Path

Antidotes to Harsh and Hurtful Speech

By understanding the causes of harsh and hurtful speech, recognizing its detrimental effects on our spiritual path, and diligently applying these antidotes, we can transform our speech into a tool for cultivating harmony, compassion, and wisdom, aligning our actions with the principles of the Bodhisattva path.

(1) From an oral teaching by Gelek Rimpoche.