The Best Discipline

My dear friends,

The second precept in Atiśa's "The Best" is:

The best discipline is taming your mindstream.
- Atisha Dipamkara Srijñana (982 - 1054), The Best,
in Wisdom of the Kadam Masters

This statement emphasizes the transformation of one's thoughts, attitude, and behavior through inner discipline rather than focusing merely on external rules or conditions.

1. Cultivation of Ethical Discipline (Shila)

2. Training in Meditative Concentration (Dhyana)

3. Wisdom and Insight (Prajna)

4. Transforming Adverse Conditions (Lojong)

5. Daily Practice of Bodhisattva Vows

6. Cultivating the Four Immeasurables

7. Application of the Five Forces


Taming the mindstream is an ongoing commitment to awareness, ethical conduct, meditation, and wisdom. It requires transforming habitual, self-centered thoughts into thoughts of compassion and service, seeing beyond the illusion of self, and being deeply mindful of every aspect of one's experience. Both the Buddhist and Christian paths emphasize an open-hearted devotion to truth, compassion, and love—qualities that naturally tame and transform the restless mind. Through the combination of meditation, ethical action, insight, and compassion, the mindstream is gradually calmed, redirected, and ultimately awakened.