Year C - Good Friday (d)

Die Kreuzigung
Albrecht Dürer, 1508

My dear friends,

On this Good Friday, let us reflect on the story of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ as presented in John 19:16-37. This narrative is not only a pivotal event in Christian history, but a profound lesson in compassion, sacrifice, and the indomitable nature of the Spirit-filled life.

In this passage, the last utterance of Jesus' mortal life is:

It is finished. - John 19:30

However, in this context, a more accurate interpretation may be:

It is accomplished.

These words transcended the immediate circumstances of his painful crucifixion. The mission of Jesus was not just about the events of that day, but about laying a foundation for an eternal truth. Through his life, teachings, death, and resurrection, Jesus manifested deep compassion, infinite love, and a commitment to alleviate the suffering of all beings. He showed the world that true power lies in humility and self-sacrifice, that love can conquer hate, and that the light of the Spirit can illuminate even the darkest corners of our existence.

By declaring, "It is accomplished," Jesus signified the culmination of his earthly journey, yet also pointed to the timeless and boundless nature of his teachings. He brought forth a message that went beyond the confines of any religious dogma or cultural boundary: a message of unconditional love, forgiveness, and selflessness.

For us, Jesus' accomplishment is not just a theological doctrine to believe in, but a source of inspiration for our own spiritual journey. The Buddha taught us about the Middle Way, a path of moderation that avoids extremes. Jesus, in his life and death, exemplified a Middle Way by balancing divine purpose with human vulnerability.

So, how can Jesus' accomplishment inspire our own spiritual development?

  1. Embrace Compassion: Just as Jesus demonstrated immense compassion towards those who persecuted him, we too should strive to develop an all-encompassing care for all beings. By fostering compassion, we begin to dissolve the barriers that separate us and cultivate inner peace.
  2. Seek Forgiveness: Jesus’ forgiveness towards those who wronged him is a testament to the transformative power of mercy. As we let go of our grudges and forgive those who have hurt us, we free ourselves from the chains of resentment and find inner liberation.
  3. Selflessness in Action: Jesus' ultimate sacrifice was a demonstration of selflessness. By placing the welfare of others before our own desires, we cultivate a spirit of generosity and create ripples of kindness throughout the world.
  4. Deepen Understanding: To truly internalize Jesus' teachings, we must seek to understand them beyond the surface. By meditating on the essence of his message, we can uncover the universal truths that resonate across all spiritual paths.
  5. Resilience in Adversity: Jesus’ perseverance, even in the face of immense suffering, serves as a reminder that spiritual strength can overcome any external challenge. Through mindfulness and spiritual practice, we can develop resilience and navigate life’s challenges with grace.

The crucifixion story of Jesus is not just a tale of suffering and sacrifice but a guide to how one can live a life of deep purpose, love, and compassion. As we reflect upon the significance of "It is accomplished," let us not only honor the sacrifice of Jesus but also commit ourselves to walking in his footsteps, uniting our hearts in love, compassion, and understanding.