Year C - Epiphany

Journey of the Magi
James Tissot, 1894

My dear friends,

In his poem Journey of the Magi, T.S. Eliot transports us back in time to the journey of the Magi, those wise men who embarked on a quest in search of the divine, as told in Matthew 2:1-12. Through their narrative, we glimpse the arduous voyage undertaken by these seekers of truth, guided only by the distant star that beckoned them towards a revelation.

Likewise, in our own lives, we embark on an inward journey — a journey of self-discovery, purpose, and enlightenment. Just as the Magi encountered obstacles and trials along their path, so too do we face challenges that test our resolve and commitment to the spiritual path. The true essence of spirituality lies not in the absence of difficulties but in the way we navigate through them with grace, compassion, and resilience.

In these verses of poem and Gospel, let us reflect on three key themes that resonate deeply with universal truths that bind us all: the yearning for transformation, the disillusionment with worldly pursuits, and the significance of surrender.

As we contemplate the profound insights embedded within this story, let us remember that the quest for truth and spiritual awakening is a universal endeavor that transcends religious boundaries. Let us embrace the teachings that resonate with our hearts, for it is through compassion, wisdom, and unity that we can bring about positive change in ourselves and the world around us.

May this Epiphany inspire us to embark on our own inner pilgrimage to seek the light of truth. May we, like the Magi, find the courage to let go of that which no longer serves us, and to surrender to the transformative power of love, compassion, and wisdom.