Descent of the Holy Spirit
el Greco, ca.1610
Dear brothers and sisters in faith,
On this day of Pentecost, we are reminded of the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit, which descended upon the disciples of Jesus and filled them with the courage and wisdom to spread the Gospel to all nations. Today's reading from Numbers 11:24-30 also speaks of the Spirit's power, as we see the prophet Moses gather seventy elders and receive a portion of the Spirit that had been given to him by God.
In this passage, we see a beautiful example of the power of community and the sharing of wisdom. When the Spirit descended upon the seventy elders, they prophesied and spoke words of truth and inspiration. Even Eldad and Medad, who were not among the gathered elders, were also given the Spirit and prophesied. Rather than being jealous or threatened, Moses was filled with joy at the thought of the Spirit spreading beyond the boundaries of the gathering, saying "Would that all the Lord's people were prophets!"
This passage reminds us that the Spirit is not something that can be hoarded or owned by any individual or group. Rather, the Spirit is a gift freely given by God, and it is meant to be shared and spread throughout the world. It is a reminder that we are all connected, and that the Spirit of God can work through anyone, regardless of their status or position in society.
The Buddha also emphasized the power of community and the sharing of wisdom, teaching that each of us has the potential to become enlightened, and that this enlightenment is not something that can be achieved alone. Rather, it is through the sharing of knowledge and the support of a community that we can all grow and develop spiritually.
So, on this day of Pentecost, let us remember the power of community and the importance of sharing the Spirit with all people. Let us be open to the wisdom and inspiration that can come from unexpected sources, and let us be filled with joy at the thought of the Spirit spreading throughout the world.
May the Spirit of God continue to guide and inspire us all.